The ‘I am’ campaign

The aim of the campaign is to show the world how strong us TTC warriors are, and that we need the support  at work from our employees,

They are asking:

  • How many of you are nailing work whilst holding back tears in the boardroom?

  • How many of you are teaching young children, or delivering other women’s babies whilst trying to swallow the fear that it might not happen for you?

  • How many of you are producing TV shows, or designing buildings, or organising finances following a failed round of IVF or a miscarriage?

This campaign would love to hear from you. Hear your voices, salute you, then squeeze you for your bravery

If you would like to tell IVF Babble who you are and what you do, contact them.

They are asking people to send a photo of themselves, to record a short clip or to send us your text to be shared anonymously to

They are also asking if you would answer some questions, to help understand what support is needed in the workplace for those TTC.

With this information, they can turn to companies and employers and tell them what you need.

To fill out the questionnaire, simply click this link:


BBC One Show


Interview with Progenesis