“Home” to Manchester for a talk 

Travelling to Manchester to give a talk to the North of England Reproductive Medicine Group I realised that in many ways I was going “home”.  

It says Oldham on my passport, so I am officially a Northern girl – although I have spent all my life in Bristol in the West Country. 

My talk weas delivered just a few streets away from where my Mum and Dad met with Patrick Steptoe at his offices – a meeting that would eventually lead to my birth. 

The Group discussed the latest breakthroughs in IVF treatment and the most recent changes in UK law around fertility. Some of the issues discussed were the same as those faced by the pioneers in 1978 when I was born. Others reflected the incredible advances that have taken place since then. 

As usual it was an honour to meet people who are helping to bring babies into the world today and to tell them about IVF in the early days. 


Think Tank event in Berlin, Germany 


A great event in Bristol